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Evelyn Collins

Updated: Jul 12, 2021

“Jesus said to her, ‘I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?’”

John 11:25-26 NIV

The Kaminski House Museum circa 1769 we toured in South Carolina sat on waterfront property with gorgeous landscaping. The two-story dwelling stood tall with massive columns to support the roof over the covered porch. The height of the colonial home signified the presence of nobility and strength. The flourishing green lawn sloping towards the bank added a sense of elegance and permanence next to the stark white exterior of the house. Surrounding it were giant trees that had weathered numerous storms on the coastline. I imagined romantic parties with couples dancing on the lawn of this southern beauty.

If trees could speak, they would tell many secrets from the past generations. The large Oak had a life rich with history. A fern crept along the dark trunk into the crevices of the branches. The greenery and soft delicacy of the plant enriched the beauty of the tree with its rough bark. Juniper-like stems of the plant appeared too delicate to survive the area’s harsh winds and extreme heat.

I’m amazed by God’s intricate details when he created the universe. Fascinated by the fragile-looking plant, I researched its aspects and discovered this plant could go for many months and even years without water. When deprived, it merely curled its roots up into a ball to conserve what it had stored. As a result, its brown and withered appearance falsely looked like it was dead. The windblown plant tumbled along the dry, thirsty ground until it happened upon a water source. After it absorbed water, it became a flourishing fern again, alive and vibrant within a few hours.

The plants’ name, which is resurrection, captivated me. It is also called Siempre Viva, which means everlasting. Incredibly, our Creator designed a delicate fern to survive such extreme conditions of drought and raging storms.

God provides for this tender plant, and He is more than capable of supplying all our needs and resurrecting new life, vibrant with His love, when we surrender to Jesus. Thus, this creeping fern encourages me to rely on the goodness of God in all circumstances.


Heavenly Father, I am in awe of how creation points me to you. Please open my eyes to see even more of your wonders. I am so thankful for all your provisions. But, unfortunately, so many times, I look at the circumstances, and I’m unaware of the plans you have to bless me. So, please forgive me for doubting your promises and help me step out in faith and place my hope in you alone for this life and eternity.


In what way does creation amaze and draw you to our heavenly Father and His son Jesus Christ?


Romans 1:20

John 6:40

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