Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10 (NIV)
I stood in the drizzling rain staring at the historical Green Street Bridge in Greenville, North Carolina, which was a short distance away from its original site. The city moved it so they could replace it with a modern one designed to accommodate heavier traffic. The older no longer bears the weight of heavy trucks traveling over the river; now pedestrians stroll along across a rocky brook.
The bluish-green sheen of the sturdy painted trusses that towered above delicate ferns captivated me. The dominant iron-like supports and railings overpowered the natural surroundings beneath them. There was a contrast between the sound structure above the calm cascading water and the vibrant fall foliage, which was refreshing and peaceful.
The bridge brought to mind that God provides a way in desperate times just as a bridge supports us and keeps us safe through troubled waters. Life is secure when relying on the Lord for strength and direction because God strengthens and lifts His people.
He said, “I will provide the course.” Indeed, the Lord orders our steps.
So, as Christians, we guard our thoughts and choose not to worry; instead, rest in Him, knowing our future is in His supreme power. We wait on Him, confident that He knows and provides the best way. God goes before us, showing us alternate avenues. It is marvelous to recognize the situations and people He places in our lives to assist us. They help us over obstacles much as bridges carry us across a river. Individuals in life link others together to carry out His divine purpose for life. Trust God, your future is secure.
We discover in the Old Testament that the Israelites had to cross the Jordan River and go through the wilderness to occupy the land promised to them. Imagine the life-saving miracle as the Israelites walked on dry land between two walls of water. Were they afraid or confident of God when they took their first steps into the sea? Would they survive? Was sea mist in their nostrils as they looked around and stared in disbelief at the enormous wave which halted in mid-air? How small did they feel as they viewed the wall of water and were they fearful the water would crash upon them without warning? What were their thoughts as the Roman soldiers followed in pursuit? Did they know that God’s divine protection was upon them? Despite their disbelief and disobedience, God continued to be faithful and to meet their needs.
Turbulent times challenge us to overcome fears, so we cross over to get God’s promises. Those trials strengthen us for future battles. Roads may lead to confusion and danger, but we have assurance He never leaves or forsakes us. When we perceive a distance between Him, we call upon Him, and He maneuvers our route back. The road headed towards Him brings hope, joy, gratitude, and fulfillment!
Almighty God, direct my way. Thank you for bringing me through the conditions you have brought me through during life. You are my strong tower. Even when you’re silent, because you are faithful, I know you are working out the details.
What divine connections in life carried you over obstacles?