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The One Behind the Door

Evelyn Collins

Updated: Nov 2, 2023

Closed Wood entrance door

The Lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even forevermore. (Psalm 121:8 KJV)


Ideas whirled around in my head. But none of these thoughts were concrete. I stood facing a doorway, unaware of being on the inside or outside the entrance. No bell ringing. No one knocking. I remained immobile and in a trance, conscious that time was still moving. My spirit rested in absolute peace.

I focused my attention on God. So I waited with quiet anticipation for the One behind the door. Questions did not assault my inquisitive mind. I didn’t care to know the outcome. Complete assurance in our heavenly Father anchored me. My reliance and readiness to enter God’s presence overwhelmed me.

Finally, I entered God’s presence. Hope and trust in the invincible God without impatience or anxiety. Extraordinary confidence and trust in Him with no feelings of fear about the future filled my soul. I waited for Him to move. God blessed me with peace and tranquility in the waiting. My faith in God kept me secure. Perfect harmony in Him increased.

Girl having a peaceful dream

My dream was unusual. Where there was normally non-stop action, time stood still, the world stopped its rotation, and everything hung in the balance. The dream taught me to be still in God’s presence.

The wait strengthened me for the journey ahead, thus I learned to lean on Jesus and rest in His timing. A life focused on welcoming Jesus Christ into the door of my heart brought peace and hope. I have a new life because God filled me with dreams, and then opened doors. My deepest desires become my reality when I follow Him.

Opening the door to peace and hope in God.

Whenever you don’t know the direction God wants you to take, be still, and wait for Him to guide you through the doors He opens. His immeasurable peace is the assurance of His presence.


Thank you, Lord, for your patience. Remind me to be still, wait, and listen. Come, Lord, come, I welcome You in my heart. Help me perceive the Truth of the Word and overcome me with gratitude. Aid me in seeking a deeper understanding of You and fulfilling my life’s purpose.

Your Turn

How would you respond to Jesus’s knock or the Holy Spirit’s gentle voice?

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