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What is Inner Peace?

Evelyn Collins

Person lounging in beach chair looking at the ocean.

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” John 14:27 NIV.


True inner peace is not a lack of conflict. The Lord said that we would have troubles, but He promises us peace of mind. When chaos threatens me, alone time with God restores me.

So, I find a quiet place surrounded by nature. After all, God is the Creator! The grandeur of the expanse of wide open beaches and a vast ocean brings me ultimate calmness. It is the perfect getaway spot for me.

Two-story beach cottage with porch and balcony

When on a visit to Santa Rosa Beach, white two-story cottages line a narrow road. Their extensive porches and balconies invite me to relax in the coolness of early mornings or late evenings, away from the busyness of city life. While the carefree use of native plants, and grasses in the landscaping, soothes my soul. I inhale the splendor of the grass.

The next morning, I wake early and take my coffee to the porch that overlooks a pond. There, the tender sun beckons me to soak in its rays before the intense heat of the day. I stretch out and lay my head against the plump cushions and allow the warm, gentle breeze to embrace me. Graceful white pampas grass bows to the soft billows of air while the sun’s warmth is a kiss from heaven.

Comfy sofa on sunny porch

Then the distant sound of various birds singing floats through the air. In the quietness, the leaves of a nearby tree rustle as a bird approaches her nest. She swoops down and pecks the ground and returns to the nest again.

The bird is in perfect harmony with her surroundings. Now, it is heaven on earth, with nothing to distract me from God’s peace found in creation. This world is full of the glory of God! Inner peace abounds.

Then the unpretentious things in life become majestic as an invisible bond between our Creator and His creation arises. My thoughts are on God. I rest in His presence. Joy and peace sweep over me.

I am painfully aware of times when I complicated life with unnecessary things that do not bring joy or peace. But when I focus on God, He meets my needs. I am content. Constant activity and meaningless things create clutter, confusion, and chaos, while a life devoted to Christ brings peace and satisfaction.

Sparrow relaxing in morning sun

Suddenly, I recall the scriptures where God repeatedly tells us to look at the birds. They don’t worry or toil, but God provides for them. We are more precious to Him than the birds. God promises in His Word to provide for us as He provides for the birds. (Matthew 6:26 NIV.)

When worries assault me, then I devote a few solitary moments to the one who strengthens and calms my fears. Hope replaces fear. It is the fulfillment of God’s promise.

Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or stow away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more value than they? Matthew 6:26 NIV.


I am thankful for the quiet times with the Lord when He reveals Himself in nature. My soul is full of awe and gratitude for revealing His attributes and presence to me in nature. Calmness enters my innermost parts. Whenever I focus on God, then I am free of worries and receive inner peace.

Your turn:

In what ways does God assure of His presence? What environment creates the freedom to have an honest conversation with God?

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Evelyn Collins
Aug 02, 2023

Thank you, Katherine! I want everyone to feel the same awesomeness that I feel in his presence.


Dr. Katherine
Dr. Katherine
Aug 02, 2023

This devotional is awesome! The way you wrote it made me felt as if I was right there! It is a great reflection of how to find peace and the importance of it.

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