May the favor of the Lord our God rest on us; establish the work of our hands for us — yes, establish the work of our hands.
Psalms 90:17 NIV
In my dream, a woman with petite and delicate features caught my attention. Some qualities with a natural appeal made her stand out in the crowd. I walked toward her, captivated by her facial expressions, which lit up the room. I wanted to discover the reason her eyes sparkled with excitement.
Her arms were by her side, and her hands were very massive. Not only were they huge compared to her size but also disfigured, while the rest of her pale body was flawless. Their ruddy color, scars, and bruising were in sharp contrast to her pale, glowing complexion.
Their appearance disturbed me and I wondered if the way they looked bothered her. What do others think? The thought of having her hands frightened and jolted me. Awake, I wondered if she was thankful or unappreciative of her hands. As I lay in bed, I asked the Lord what had mutilated them.
He revealed He placed a purpose within each of us. When we serve the Lord, we become the hands of Jesus. We are alive because the Holy Spirit brightens this dark world with the goodness of God.
God may allow some to endure persecution just as our Savior suffered. Then I understood she endured tough times for Christ. Her hands were evidence that God strengthened her through hardships. She followed Christ doing our Father’s will regardless of the cost.
I pondered how Jesus used His hands and what scarred them. As a carpenter by trade, years of woodworking scarred them. Those rough palms were gentle when they fed the multitudes, healed the sick, raised people from the dead, and placed them upon little children and prayed. He touched the broken world.
Roman soldiers tortured Jesus, then drove iron spikes through His palms and feet, nailing him on the cross. Although many rejected Christ, He died for all humanity.
When we accept Jesus, we place our lives in capable and strong hands. We aren’t just guided by Him; we are in His hands! The good works of your hands is God at work in your life.
Christians are called the body of Christ. Our physical bodies have many parts; such as eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and feet that have different functions. Like our bodies, each of us within the church serves a unique purpose. Celebrate whatever part He gives you. All work for the Kingdom is honorable. When you obey God, He will use you even with scars. Endless possibilities exist to bring Him glory. How others perceive you isn’t a priority because you are pursuing the Lord. Lack of involvement causes the Body of Christ to suffer, then the Kingdom does not reach the lost and dying world.
Imagine standing before God. As He looks at your humanity, He sees Jesus and smiles. He recognizes you as accepted and used by Christ. The good works of your hands shared the love of Christ.
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.
Colossians 3:23-24 NIV
Thank you, Jesus, for giving me a purpose and a future. Help me step out in faith and do the works that You placed in my heart, knowing that You will give me the ability needed to accomplish it. I surrender my life with gratitude and service. Amen
Your turn:
Are you idle, or useful for the building of His Kingdom? How can you further God’s mission by the work of your hands?