He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.
Isaiah 40:29

I scanned the motel room for a coffeemaker before going to sleep because I love having a strong hot cup with God first thing each day. The room didn’t have one. Wonder what time the cafeteria opens tomorrow morning?
So I woke up before sunrise, with thoughts of sipping freshly brewed coffee. I dressed and hurried along the walkway beneath giant oak trees. The sun emerged over the water near where a line of people stood beneath the cafeteria’s long-covered breezeway. After stepping in line, I took a few pictures of the spectacular yellow and orange sunrise brushing across the sky. Finally, the double doors opened, and we rushed into the large dining area.
Entering, I glanced around for the coffee line, then went in that direction. Cups scattered across the counter caught my attention, and I shook my head, bewildered. Then grabbed one from the stack, chose my preferred blend, pushed the button, and waited for bold-flavored coffee. Then the unexpected happened.
The machine dispensed hot water but I like mine strong to wake me up. At once I understood why the counter was littered with cups. The machine ran out of the essential ingredient: coffee beans. Perhaps others liked strong coffee as well. Since the demand was high, the machine brewed with fewer grounds per ounce of water. Each cup was weaker than the last until it dispensed only hot water. We rejected it and walked away.

There is a hidden lesson. We’ve heard about a glass being half full or half empty depending on a person’s perspective. But what about this situation when cups of hot water lack the beans that produce flavor?
When we accept Jesus as the Messiah, His Spirit lives in us. Imagine our bodies as cups that hold the Spirit of God. We decide what we allow in our cups and the amount. Are our cups strong and full? Will what’s inside our cups sustain and refresh us, and is it bold and enticing? Does our behavior invite others to taste the goodness of God?
All followers of Christ should desire to share the Good News. When we tell others of God’s love with boldness, people sense our passion and our confidence in God motivates them to listen. Our words spoken with the certainty that we have in Christ will not return void.
A sincere desire to share your love for God is powerful. The Spirit of God knows the hearts of everyone. When you know Him, His Spirit will give you the right words to share, He emboldens you. He knows the words that will soften hearts because He knows the innermost thoughts of everyone. His Spirit convicts and reveals a person’s need for a Savior.

However, when we compromise the truth in God’s Word, wishing to appeal to the world, then our words are bland and without power. God’s Truth and Spirit have the authority to liberate people, who are searching and hoping to find life-changing joy.
He proclaimed the kingdom of God and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ with all boldness and without hindrance!
Acts 28:31
May my words strengthen others and reveal my confidence in God. Help me not to weaken my testimony when I feel vulnerable sharing the tough parts. Give me strength to not stifle the Holy Spirit, but to speak the Truth in love.
Your turn:
What part of your story is God asking you to share as an encouraging word?